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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

RIP DASH 22/06/1997 - 23/06 2009

Rest in Peace my Darling Dash

22/06/1997 - 23/06/2009

23/06/2009: What is different this am? A bit overcast but that was expected. Something doesn't feel right...Aah, Dash isn't at the door demanding re- entry to the house after her morning ablutions. Porridge is ready, Dash loves her porridge. Better go see what she's up to...Out to the shed I go, not in there...Look around the yard , check the gates-shut. Where is she. No sense calling as she is deaf so needs line of sight to come when called. Check in the shed again...Aah, here she is...but what is she sleeping on the cold concrete around by Subi for, much warmer in the house or even the kennel which is inside the shed.

My beautiful Dash has passed away. Dash won't be eating her porridge any more...She's gone to join her devoted mate Captain in Doggie Heaven. She out lived him by two years.

In the rain I buried her, wrapped in her blanket etc. beside Captain on the side of the hill that overlooks nanna bees' beach. The two of them are exstatically tearing around among the clouds playing together with big smiles on their faces.

Des went to Cairns last week. I hated having to tell him but all he said was, "Well I expected it".

It is so very quiet without Dash.

Dash was 12 yrs 1 day old.


Friday, October 5, 2007

RIP CAPTAIN 15/04/1997 - 02/10/2007

Rest In Peace
Darling Captain
15/04/97 - 02/10/07
Slowly backing out of the driveway through a dark thick sea fog at 5am on Tuesday morning this week, to my utter horror, I backed over our beloved Captain. He walked up the driveway to where his lifelong mate, Dash was, licked her face and laid down and passed away. I can hardly bear to think about it whilst at the same time, can't get it out of my mind. I keep seeing him toddle up to Dash for his goodbye kiss.

The master was in full force with his abuse and name calling for 2 hours. I am a murderer, among other choice names. I can't get the sight of his carrying on out of my mind either. When I got home on Wednesday night, he'd gone off for sleep over at his mate's place in big town then left a succinct message on the phone that he'll be staying til at least Saturday. Hopefully I will have pulled myself together by the time he gets back. Right now, I can't bear the thought of even looking at him and would love to be anywhere but here when he gets back.

I took Cappy to a hillside over looking a beautiful beach area, (where I'd spent 8 weeks in the camper-trailor a couple of years ago whilst land developement was going on next to our house), and I made a lovely grave that other animals wont be able to get to and buried him in his favourite blanket where he can forever look out to sea.

It's just so sad, Dash who used to bark at a fly to get our attention hasn't barked since Cappy's passing. I'm trying to keep a steady medium where I keep her close to me but at the same time not let her get away with any of her tricks because if you give the little minx an inch, she'll take four ks. We are having lots of cuddles.

Captain was ten years old...toy.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My Weekend

My Corey found it freezing in South Oz

Corey with our host Derek prior to them
serving up a sumptuous meal I simply
couldn't refuse. Yummmm!!!

The Mercedes Transit Van I drive around in all day.
Taken at sunrise.

The Transit at sunrise another view.

Hello One and All, (No I'm not talking to Tall Ships)....

Over my weekend, I drove across to Adelaide to catch up with my son Corey who flew in from Brisbane for a couple of days business. It was sooo great spending time with him. He and his mate Derek, (whose home we stayed in), spoilt me rotten as far a waiting on me hand and foot went. Well and truly fell off the wagon but the blokes had gone to so much trouble cooking for me that there was no way I was going to knock anything back.

I'm finding it trialsome getting back to my own food regime so I now understand properly the problems experienced by anyone who does fall off the wagon. Thank goodness I don't keep any "bad' foods in the house...I have no choice but to eat correctly. I do need to change around what I pack for lunches whilst on the road though as I found myself wanting a pasty, (of all things...never eat them), yesterday, so I guess my system is looking for something different. I'll have to give it some thought, perhaps start preparing some quiches etc.

We had gale force winds all over the peninsula yesterday and after all the holding onto the van door I was doing yesterday, so it wouldn't rip off the hinges and fighting with the steering wheel to keep the van on the road, I reckon my 'puppies' must be perkier with the workout my muscles got all day.

Keep Smilling...toy. xoxo

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Flinders and Weight

Kanyaka Homestead

A couple of photos from my recent trip to the Flinders Ranges.

I took 731 photos all up. This amount is very conservative for me. I had no way of recharging camera batteries once I'd left Wilpena Pound so couldn't take many of the normal close-up shots. Here is just a taste.

Historical Kanyaka Ruins

Kanyaka Water Hole

One of the many views of the Ranges


Weigh in this week was once more pleasing...91.05kgs, a loss of 700 grams. I am beginning to get excited now as it really looks like I'm going to be an 80's girl soon. Don't want to jump the gun yet though...

I think that helping my friend out is the best therapy ever for me as I am away from food sources all day. My food intake is always healthy, consisting of oats for a 3.45 am breaky, a choice of carrot, celery, fresh fruit, (apple, orange, kiwi fruit), and seeds/nuts/dried fruit for munchies throughout the day. Lunch usually consists of either half a 425 gram can of baked beans, or one or two boiled eggs, or a salad, all with a slice of rye bread. The night-time meal is always a healthy stir-fry or some other healthy dish prepared on my days off and by the time I've eaten a portion of that, I'm simply too tired to go looking for sweets or anything else, hence I have no chance to stuff anything un-healthy into my mouth and I am finding that I really and truly don't want to. My meal portions have well and truly halved or even more than halved for which I am really happy about. I was definately comfort eating. So you see, I have found myself in a position where 'cheating' simply isn't an option even if I wanted to.

I must admit that I am in a great mind set these days. I'm still getting a walk in on most days and though it's only for half an hour it is more intense as I don't want to fall by the wayside. All day long I am lifting, carrying, climbing in/out of the van, walking to and from drops, all of which gives me more exercise.

The Master returned from his 3 months sojourn last Wednesday and though he is his usual pessimistic self and complaining about the cold and lack of attention, I am working hard to hang on to my relaxed and happy outlook. I mustn't allow him to get me down again. We do these things to ourselves by allowing others to dictate our lives. I must stay strong...Being away from the house most of the time helps enormously.

I really miss all of my WWs friends but at least I'm still getting a chance to 'chat' now and again. Please accept my apology for not answering emails, I simply don't have time right now. I find that by posting in my blog, I am able to reach one and all at once.

Have a great day and Keep Smiling...toy. xoxo

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Loch Ness and Weight

Sooo Cute

Gorgeous Face

Look what the lovely Raych sent to me when she visited Loch Ness in Scotland...

My very own Loch Ness Monster...He came to live with me a couple of weeks ago and keeps me company from his home on the shelf above my computer. How lucky and spoiled am I. I love my 'Raychness' to bits. Once again I am overwhelmed at such generosity.

Raych, I know how much pressure you were under with your finishing teaching, packing, moving to your Aunt's and the ensuing re-packing/sorting things to come back to Oz etc so for you even to be thinking of anyone else during this period is amazing, let alone someone who you'd met recently on the web. How very thoughtful of you to think of me whilst taking a breather from the stress. Thank you so very much sweet little dove...He puts a smile on my face and makes me feel warm and cuddly inside...he is the cutest little monster anyone could wish for. xoxo


Weigh-in this morning found me with a 3 kg loss since my last post and 12.8 kgs all up. I now weigh 92.2 kgs. Whoo Hoo!!!
I know it's pretty slow shedding but I'm happy and this was a lovely suprise to keep me on the straight and narrow. My knickers are slipping down around my knees and I'm tripping over my crutch if not connected to braces...the knickers, that is...mind you I've had them since I came off of the ark so they're a tad stretched...I'm also back in smaller trackies...though, they were deemed large on the way up...
Haven't been able to frequent the boards due to being as busy as a bee right now, still gone from home by 4.30 am and not getting home til after 8.30 pm and barely get to turn the computer on but please know that you are all in my thoughts.

Hopefully next time I get a spare moment I'll get to visit all of your Blogs to catch up.

Keep Smiling...toy.xoxo

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Meet Crystalem

Two moods of Crystalem.
First one is taken Hanging against
a white background.

Crystalem hanging in the window
against a grey sky

I'll take another on a sunny day
to show all of her colours.

I can't describe the suprise I got on handing across the 'parcel notice' at the P.O. to find the package was NOT for the master who'd bought himself yet another something whilst away but, indeed for ME...Fancy, a package for me....
I have quite fallen in love with 'Crystalem'. She moved into my home on Friday bringing with her a lovely box of note paper and a tin of teabags with 'witty sayings' tags, along with some kind, kind words in a card from Ems.
She is a delightful little addition to my life and I wander throughout the house holding her up to every window I come to, enjoying the kaleidoscope of happiness she brings into the room and into my heart. Still haven't found her a permanent position yet as I keep going to get her, she keeps me company in which-ever room I'm in. She doesn't mind me disturbing her all of the time, she simply emanates love.

Crystalem came in a great post pack with photos of Tasmania on it...I'm keeping the pack too.

Thank you so much Ems. I am overwhelmed and you have quite spoilt me.

Isn't my Crystalem beautiful?...toy. xoxo

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Weigh In and Walk

Two kinds of Honey Eaters
In our area.

Oh, I was a bit disappointed with this morning's weigh-in initially as I thought I'd gained again...I am carrying a fair bit of fluid right now...but in fact...When I went to record it in my book, I discovered that indeed,...I HAVE LOST...YAAY...

I now weigh 95.2kgs. a 500 gram loss.

I am pleased with that little effort. I seem to be losing inches as well.
My Walk

I had a great walk this morning...went the usual route three times as I'm doing it in a faster time now and I want to stay out there for no less than an hour every time.
I take my iPod with me and I can tell you all that it has been the best motivator I could have bought. When I'm feeling lethargic it gets me going and I'm soon stepping out, if I start slowing down, thinking I'll head home, I change the song to an upbeat one and I'm off again and liking it.

It has come to the stage where I am walking quite fast and Monday and today, (went later yesterday so, a different route was taken to avoid traffic...yep, tend to chase cars lol), I found myself doing a slow jog to keep up with the beat, quite suprising myself and it was coming naturally without me even realising I was doing it 'til I felt my knees stressing a little. I slowed down but had a great big grin inside and out. I continued on with fast and slow spurts.

When I reached the end of the jetty...I always walk the jetty towards the tail-end of my walk because that's where the air is freshest and clears my sinuses further...I spent some time there doing aerobic type exercises...dancing to the music... for quite a while to the beat of Lee Kernaghan's 'Texas Qld 4385'... It's got a great beat for aerobics.
I was being so physical I almost ended up in the drink...As with all jetties, ours has a rail only on the one side...I had a little trip and came so close to the other side in my machinations that I was only just able to save myself from toppling over the edge...Next time I think I'll keep my eyes open...

To explain that further...I often stand facing into the wind with my arms stretched out at my sides and my eyes shut...I can 'fly' all over Oz...I just did it automatically as I was bouncing around and almost lost my balance...find myself doing it on my walks too when the wind hits me as I top a hill...Yep completely out of my tree...

I wanted to keep going but I was wet through...inside my clothes from sweat and outside from the sea mist...also I'd run into traffic if I didn't head off back home, undoing all the head clearing. I felt so alive when I reached home...My energiser batteries were still powering me...bouncin' off the walls, I was so hyped up...I'd been out for 1 hour and 40 mins...well done beverlyann...

Storm has reached us, need to get off the computer...

Everyone have a nice day...toy

Monday, July 2, 2007

My Head's In a Good Place

Point Avoid
Coffin Bay NP

Weigh-in 06/05/07: 97.4 kgs = GAIN 1.5kgs
(High Blood Pressure/Fluid retention)
Weigh-in 13/05/07: 96.2 Kgs = loss 1.2 kg
Weigh-in 26/06/07: 95.5 Kgs = loss .700 grms = 15 th Week
Weigh-in 27/06/07: 95.7kgs = Gain .200 grms. = 20th Week
Total Loss = 9.3 kgs.
Hopefully I'll stay in the zone now that I've got myself going again and the weight will shed more readily...touch wood!!!

Friday I bought an Ab King Pro and a Leg Magic on eBay. They were heaps cheaper than at the Global Shop Direct shop on TV, (which were both advertised in the morning so I got straight on line and checked ebay), and they are the genuine article. There's heaps of them there, I did a 'Buy it Now' deal as they were both the cheapest that way and they halved the freight on the second item.

My walk went really well yesterday. I’d gone a few hours later so it’d be warmer but going that late wasn't really a good idea re fumes but I figure if I keep away from the main street and boat ramp I should be ok in future. There seems to be less traffic around than usual...maybe the chilly weather is keeping tourists at bay.
I did the usual ‘circuit’ which used to take an hour but found that I’d only been out for 40 mins by the time I’d finished so, did it all again. I was slowing down by the time I was nearing the end with a bit of a hill on the last leg home so clicked my iPod to Lee Kernaghan's 'Boys from The Bush', turned it up and walked to the beat...I practically ran up to my place. Then I kept moving, whilst the song was still going, followed by a couple more, doing a few outside tasks before going in for a very late brekky.

Then both the dogs got bathed, trimmed and brushed, I cleaned out the garage and dog kennel etc. Cooked a pot of soup and had some for lunch which was partaken in the late afternoon.

I had a nasty fall whilst doing the garage. Didn't pick my feet up high enough and tripped falling headlong out of the back gate carrying a shovel full of sand that had blown into the garage.

Thankfully I landed on dirt but still, well and truly bit the dust very heavily. My left knee, wrist, elbow and shoulder all came in contact with the ground as I skidded along filling my gob with soil and I must have twisted as I went down. I did in my lower back, between the shoulders, my neck and my chest feels as though it's been crushed…hard to get a deep breath.
No skin off any where just skewed the skeleton in six different directions resembling a marionette dangling from strings and have possibly strained muscles everywhere, even my groin area is really hurting and it's not due to any pleasures I have been indulging in lol. I had a nice long bath before a late tea to loosen the muscles but didn't seem to have helped, still, it was lovely just soaking. First bath I've had for 4 years lol.

I put the massage machine on it but I still thought I’d be feeling it worse today...wasn’t looking forward to that at all....just when I was really back in the zone for walking.

Today surprisingly, I'm getting around ok. The massage and bath helped and I kept the electric blanket on low all night to keep my muscles relaxed. Might go to Bone Align to straighten out the greebies. Bet he tells me to stand erect and lengthen my neck.

Was determined to get out and walk this morning and though I missed most of the traffic, which was heaps better than yesterday, (I got away later than intended and most of the boats had been launched), everyone who saw me wanted to chat, so it took longer and the cardio wasn't pumping all the time. I'd get it up then run into someone, chat, get going and get it pumping again, meet someone else, chat and so on, throughout the walk.
Was quite surprised when one lady said she’d thought I’d left town as she’d only been seeing my hubby around town for ages, another said she’d not seen me for months and yet another said she hadn’t seen me for 3 years. Can you believe that? We all live just around the corner from each other in the tiniest town.
Everyone who stopped me were all so surprised to see me striding out through the town. I told them that I’d always been out and about before light and after dark to miss the fumes if I was out at all and it was their turn to be surprised that I was still doing it that way. I said I’m the town’s Night Stalker lol...hope nothing is ever broken into...they might begin to suspect me... I came away with nostrils full of various perfumes etc but even so, it was nice to see their genuine pleasure at seeing me. It put a smile in my heart.

My personal washing was then undertaken, followed by the washing of the doggy towels etc from yesterday and generally pottered around doing odd jobs all day.
My body still feels all bruised and is getting stiff again…probably from sitting here so long. Breathing is still a bit of a chore but heaps better than yesterday.
On the up side, my mind is in a good place and it feels as though I am losing some weight again…I hope so. My boobs are almost down to my knees which has removed a lot of wrinkles from my face and all of my pants, knickers, trackies, jeans and slacks are falling down…I’m forever heaving them up…time for some bindertwine…

Friday, June 22, 2007

Not Sure Of My Weight

Winter Sunset

Must admit it is sooo peaceful here at the moment. Just being able to do my own thing without getting growled at is quite liberating. I have still times when I'm really down but then I kick myself in the butt and perk up again. Getting out of the house will cure being in the dumps so as soon as the weather permits, I'll toss in my swag and go take some photographs, then I'll be great and raring to go again. No sense going whilst it is -6 degrees, raining and windy.

Not too sure how my weight is going as each time I weigh myself, I'm getting a different reading, (step on the scales, step of then back on again), and this is with my new scales. It was suggested that maybe the battery was flat from being in the shop for a long time. So I put in a new battery to no avail.
I got the scales book out last night, just to see If I was doing anything wrong,(really, what can one do wrong stepping on and off of scales, but I checked all the same). It actually says that if you should happen to get different readings, then your weight is between the two results so that's how I'll determine it from now on. If all fails read the instructions lol.
A bit ridiculous really isn't it. I know I haven't put on weight but just not too sure what I weigh at this moment. Will wait til my next weighin day and take it from there.

I've been sticking to all the correct foods throughout, except I had a heap of bread and butter pudding on the weekend, (using up older crumpets I found at the bottom of the freezer. Don't buy them now. Probably should have tossed them out but a sweet attack deemed I use them). Other that that, oh and some Italian Bread Sticks that a friend introduced me too a week ago, I've stayed on the straight and narrow.
Lack of exercising has been a big thing with own fault, allowing my mood to drag me down and I stay in bed shutting the world out, but I'm back at it again now and in a happier frame of mind.

Keep Smiling...toy. xoxo

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Winter Months

Sunrise over Little Yangie Bay
Coffin Bay NP

Yesterday the master left for warmer climes for the winter months. Traveling up to Townsville where he’ll stay for a week or so, then continue on to Cairns, staying there for the duration. He’s not sure how long he’ll be away, definitely 2 months.

I have decided to catalogue his trip via phone conversations and will present the finished product to him on his return. I think this will be a pleasant surprise for him.

The maid intends to utilize his absence to find beverlyann once more and regain a once positive outlook on life. I am resting up over the weekend with the intention of turning the house upside down next week steam cleaning and using my new ‘you beaut’ vacuum cleaner purchased last Thursday.
Once the house is sorted, I shall venture further afield for some full on camera clicking, weather permitting.

Looking forward to it…toy

Getting Back on Track

Little Yangie, Coffin Bay NP

The weather has necessitated me being on the computer for very short periods the past few weeks however, my journey toward a slimmer me continues.

Since the reported gain of 1.5 kgs in the last post which put my weight back up to 97.4kgs, I have been very slowly dropping back down to the previous 95.9 kgs again. The cause of the gain was indeed my blood pressure which had rocketed through the roof and water retention was at a maximum. This necessitated bed rest and my dissolving Nat Mur under my tongue again to settle my system back in order. I am in control once more.

Weigh-in 13/05/07 was 96.2kgs, a loss of 1.2 kgs.

Week 15:

Weigh-in 26/05/07 is 95.5 kgs, a loss of 700 grams.

This puts me 500 grams lighter than I was before the 1.5 kgs gain.

Total Loss since beginning my journey: 9.6 kgs.

Have to be happy with that hey? I am back on track.

My walking has been spasmodic due to a various factors but I have been compensating with other exercises both on days I haven’t walked as well as the days that I have.

Exercises Regime:

Walk = 1 hour.

Wall Push-ups, (joints won’t hold me on the floor), = 20

Bum Walks across floor forward and backward = 10 min

Elliptical Walker = As long as possible x 3tds at least. This ‘kills’ my knee joints so I get on it often for short periods. I figure it’s better than not doing it at all.

Can lift to shoulders, elbows bent, front = 20

Can lift to shoulders, elbows straight, side = 20

Gym Ball = Set of exercises which came with the ball. I also bought a book last week which was on special and is exclusively gym ball exercises so once I’ve had a chance to look at it I may add more to my session.

Thai Chi. I have a video: ‘Thai Chi for Arthritics’ which I have retrieved from the cupboard and am once again learning.

I have also pulled out a book dealing with stretching which I intend to utilize in the near future.

All is positive...toy